Time heals all wounds, they say. We'll see. Keep on keeping on, as my lil sister would tell me.
My good friend Tim recently was in charge of a recovery mission on the north side of Marjeh. I know he was stressed to the max trying to stay safe, keep his Marines safe, and get the job done. I had no doubt in my mind that he would accomplish all three of those things. Knowing him the way that I do I was thankful that they had a fairly uneventful trip. Tim's not the one to walk away from a fight. Needless to say I was relieved when I saw him the other morning, back at Dwyer. I don't think I could handle anything happening to another friend this go round.

I'm taking it a day at a time. That's all I can do, I suppose. I look forward to crawling into my rack each night. That signifies the end of another day. That's what I looked forward to the most each day.
At this stage of the deployment I think I've reached the halfway point. Halfway home! Not close enough! Keep on keeping on!
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